The case for this gargantuan vanity project was always dodgy and based on total fantasy figures of projected rail journeys to / from London.
Now, with Covid19 having reduced the need for rail travel and long commutes substantially the case is weaker than ever.
The ecological destruction by HS2 and its contractors is immense and ancient woodlands are irreplacable.
Over 100 billion pounds – for what?
First it was SPEED – then that claim was shown to be false.
Then it was all about CAPACITY – based on made-up figures. That’s also been shown to be false, especially now, with Covid19 and around 50% of people being able to — and wanting to — work from home.
Now it’s some BS about being CARBON NEUTRAL (never) and a JOB CREATION SCHEME – despite destroying and displacing around 19,000 jobs.
The lies HS2 keeps telling keep changing.
Utterly insane!

Susannah Fanshawe, Chesham, Buckinghamshire